Friday, October 21, 2011

Book Review

“When Truth Is Revealed”

     How would you feel when the whole world is against the person you love? Will you stay beside him till the end or will you also leave him, like what others did? And what if for nine years of your life you were able to keep a secret, and now, that secret needs to be told because a life of a man is at risk, will you tell it and be dead? Will you not tell it and let the man die?

     "The Confession" proves us that mother's love for her child is really unconditional, that though everyone is against her son, she is ready and will fight for him. This novel by Grisham exposes the injustice lingering in the society and the racial discrimination happening between blacks and whites. It is about a criminal who suddenly had a change because of a brain tumor, hoping to save an innocent man about to die for a crime the criminal really did. Will the guilty man be successful? Will he be able to save a life, an innocent life? The questions are: Will the people believe him? How can a guilty man convince lawyers, judges and politicians that they are about to execute an innocent man? And, for the first time in his life, will the criminal be able to do something good?

     The Confession is about a man named Travis Boyette, a known criminal, serial rapist, and had spent almost his entire life inside the jail. In November 1998, during his stay in Slone, Texas, had abducted, raped and killed Nicole Yarber, a white cheerleader. Travis buried her body in Joplin, Missouri, miles and miles away from Texas. Then, he watched in amazement as the police arrested and convicted Donte Drumm, a local black football star. The police reported that this Donte Drumm is the real killer of Nicole.
     Nine years have passed and Travis is in Kansas. He has just been paroled for a different crime. Meanwhile, Donte Drumm is just four days away from his execution. Travis suffers from an inoperable brain tumor, his life is about to end. For the first time in his life, he decides to do what is right and confess. He first confessed to a Kansas minister named Keith. Keith, upon hearing, convinced Travis to go to Texas and confess, but Travis refused.
     Few days after, Travis called Keith and decided to finally go to Texas. Keith, together with Travis, arrived in Texas just hours before the execution of Drumm. Robbie Flak, lawyer of Drumm, immediately filed a petition and signed affidavit of Boyette to the Governor of Texas and the Court of Justice. Boyette also called for a press conference where he announced to the whole world the crime he committed. Everyone believed him and wanted Drumm to be released. But still, the decision depends on the Governor and the Court of Justice.
     Minutes before the execution, no calls from either the Governor or Court of Justice came to Robbie's office for the cancelation of the execution... That was it. The battle is over. At exactly 6:19 p.m. Donte Drumm's life ended. Travis isn't successful in saving an innocent man's life. The judges did not believe him. Silence, grief, dismay-all of these were felt by the people of Slone as another victim of injustice has just been killed, another life is again wasted.

     Imagine yourself locked up in a small room for nine years, no one to talk to, and nothing new to see, with only a Bible and a diary by your side. It is sad, frustrating, and crazy that you'd rather wish to die early. There will come a time that you'd just want to give up. You just want to end all the sufferings by ending your miserable life. People do not believe you and they hate you. No one loves you...
     When darkness is only what you see, one little light appears to remind you that there is still something worth living for, your family is still there for you. Your Mom, most especially, is always ready to love you. For all the sufferings we have been through, our family did not leave us. Though there are times that we feel that the world is against us, that no one believes in us, our family will always be there.  At this moment, we will be able to realize the true meaning of love, love of our family. This is when we will thank our Creator for giving us such a wonderful mother and family. Also, it is never too late to change for the better. Even if, say we had been the most evil of all, we still have the chance to change ourselves. We can still do something good for our fellowmen. And above all, God is there to always protect and guide us, if we just BELIEVE in Him.

     Another novel by the suspense thriller writer John Grisham, The Confession is about a man convicted for a crime he did not actually do. The Confession is a powerful piece of fiction, and one that will remain with you for some time afterwards. It is a book that will expose us to the cruel death penalty imposed in some states over the whole world and raise the question: Do humans have the right to kill? Even though this is a work of fiction, John Grisham uses this novel as a vehicle to educate the public about wrongful convictions, especially as they pertain to the death penalty. Behind the action is a sweet story of a family that had found strength in each other, a mother's unconditional love for her son wrongfully convicted. John Grisham once again proved that he is a master of suspense. Read this book and realize how great it is to have a family that will always believe you no matter what.

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